What is Encompassing Visions?
As an HR professional specializing in Job Evaluation, the founder of Encompassing Visions witnessed the short-comings of traditional Job Evaluation systems. He envisioned a better approach whereby Job Data could be gathered painlessly; evaluations could be determined objectively; and Job Data could be used across a number of HR processes.
Encompassing Visions has overcome the typical frustrations of Job Evaluation with innovative tools, processes, and technology. It represents a better way to collect Job Data with an on-line, multiple-choice Job Analysis Questionnaire that:
- Eliminates the painful process of writing job descriptions. There are no open-ended questions, and it only takes one hour to complete.
- Improves the quality of the Job Data captured. The Job Analysis Questionnaire probes job characteristics across 27 clearly defined job factors. The granularity of the Job Data captures all aspects of every job.
- Enables an objective Job Evaluation process. System generated results are based on the responses to the job Questionnaire, with no subjective, undocumented interpretations required.
- Employs technology to easily store and efficiently manage Job Data to produce Job Descriptions, Job Evaluations, and Recruiting documents.
- Creates transparency of Job Evaluation results. Job descriptions incorporate the actual response to the Questionnaire. The evaluation criteria are crystal clear.

What are the requirements of Pay Equity Compliance?
JobEvaluationSoftware.ca is a division of Encompassing Visions, the industry leader in job evaluation software.
Copyright 2023 Encompassing Visions. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy.

Encompassing Visions™
One Executive Place
Suite 700, 1816 Crowchild Trail NW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2M 3Y7